Aotearoa Anarchist Feminist Gathering 2008

Aotearoa Anarchist Feminists will be gathering at a Christchurch retreat (Otauhui, Governs Bay), April, 25th-27th, 2008 (ANZAC weekend).

This site is to help organise and advertise the event.

Times: Starts at 10am on Friday. The programme goes til noon on Sunday (for those who need to leave) but we will stay to 4pm (for those who can) to fit in all the bits that no doubt spill over, and cleanup.

Venue: The Old Vicarage, 8 Governor's Bay-Teddington Road, Governor's Bay (On Banks Peninsula, 30 mins drive from central Otautahi / Christchurch). We will be surrounded by gardens, with hills all around and a view of the sea. Close to a very lovely swimming beach.

Registration: ($15) or for further enquires send and email to:

Advertising the Event in your community: For a copy of the poster to print and post up in your local community go to:


Transportation: Or you can take Bus 28 to Lyttelton, from the Bus Exchange (Colmobo St). We can collect you from Lyttelton – please email us to arrange. See: for info.

Specifically, the route is at:

(Please note that Friday is a public holiday and so the Saturday timetable applies. Unfortunately there are no buses to Rapaki on the weekend timetable).

Accomodation: People's homes are available for Thursday and Sunday nights.

Cost: $15. We are hoping to organise some travel equalisation funds as well.

Food: Will be provided (vegans catered for). (We'll need a few helpers with food prep). Please email us if you have any allergies etc.

Childcare: A roster will be organised for those who are keen. Please email us if you are bringing your kids and let us know what you need. Please let us know if you are able to help with childcare.

Who?: All women, intersex and transgender and gender queer people (and children, including boys who aren't too old (at their mum's discretion)) who share the basic principles of anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist feminism (or are interested in finding out more) are warmly invited on the understanding that the kaupapa of this event is anarcha-feminist.

What is anarcha-feminism?: If you are new to anarcha-feminism, it is a movement towards women's liberation based on anarchist principles. Anarcha-feminists believe that women's liberation means liberation for all women. Having a small minority of women in positions of power, such as politicians and CEO's, does not guarantee a better deal for the majority of women. Throughout history governments and states have been responsible for some of the worst atrocities against women. This is why anarcha-feminists see the state as an extension of patriarchy. The best way to secure liberation for all women is to eliminate authority and hierarchies whenever possible, including government. That's why we believe in anarchy as a way of structuring our societies. By anarchy we mean a system of direct democracy, without rulers or leaders but based on principles of self-determination and mutual aid.We also believe that it is important to recognise the links between different kinds of oppression. In order to fight the oppression and exploitation of women we must fight the oppression of all people, whether because of gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality or disability and we must fight the exploitation of animals and the earth.Because we challenge all authority we advocate direct action as the best means for change. This means fixing problems directly and doing things ourselves rather than appealing to an authority to fix things, for example by writing letters to an M.P or boycotting a company's products.

More info on anarcha-feminism: - has a good library

Misfit: Aotearoa a-fems irregularly produce a zine; let us know if you'd like copies
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